Solstice +Lunistice

Solstice +Lunistice

Just like The tilt of the Earth’s axis causes us to see the Sun at a highest and lowest point in the sky twice a year at Solar Standstill or Solstice, similarly the tilt in the moon orbit results in Lunar Standstills or Lunistices twice a month. However a major lunar standstill happens only every 18yrs when the earth’s axis and moons orbital axis are at their maximum tilt away from each other, and this time , June 21/22 the Solar Standstill/ Solstice is aligned with the Full Moon Major Lunar Standstilll/ Lunistices. (It is believed that the Stonehenge and some other ancient indigenous landmarks, track not only the Solar standstills but also the Major Lunar standstills).

So Both the Sun and The Moon will Rise and Set at their farthest points on the horizon on June 21/22.

Both The Solar Masculine Principle and The Lunar Feminine Completing a major phase of their Journey. They are in a peculiar dance off where their cumulative strengths are magnified but their individual differences threaten to tear them apart. Endings / completion/ termination / release/ purge is on the menu. We are at the journey’s end for some major aspect of our life- relationship / career / health ( could include minor surgery to release what we can no longer carry forth).

This time of heightened Illumination serves not just as a time of Purification but also an Initiation. The Light that illuminates the Woundings / disappointments / setbacks also reflects back to us our Resilience, Courage, Grace and Dignity as we dig into our inner most reserves of strength, conviction and purpose so that we may reach for higher levels of perception to allow for the Divine Plan to unfold.

It is said that the Horned God/Oak King / Solar Masculine aspect representative of Fertility, Vitality , Sexuality , Power and Logic which was born on Winter Solstice dies at Summer Solstice and his sacrifice in turn bestows the land with fertility . Hence it’s also a time of reaping one’s harvest/ abundance , ritual and Ceremony, giving gratitude for what Is and making peace with what Has Been and Now needs to be sacrificed .

The Sun and Moon both at a Standstill for 3 days before beginning their new journey (Masculine and Feminine aspects). And so We too move into Stillness , the Sacred Pause between the Old and The New, Abundance and Sacrifice, Life and Death….The Moment of Illumination and Clarity to fuel yet another cycle/ spiral in the Web of Life/ Light.

Have a Blessed Solstice and Lunistice.

Art : Sue Wookey Art

EnLight ,InGrace, InJoy

Be The Change You Want To See


Sa Kei Na

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