A Tale of Stardust ….


There is a certain malaise that afflicts each and every one of us, young or old, man or woman, human or animal…it’s deadly fangs engulf all…and it’s not the big C…it’s the big L… Loneliness!!

And just  like vested interests will never preach prevention of big C , but will peddel cures and miracles for it, at skyrocketing costs ofcourse and then go laughing all the bank….the same energy of manipulation will have you believe there is a magic pill or chant or mantra or any other short cut method to alleviate your loneliness and to magically manifest your ” twin flame” from his/ her abode amongst the stars and planets into your reality and say ..hey babe…here I am, your twin flame, to love and comfort you to eternity and back!!

It is the same energy of manipulation that will tell you that good days are coming…..much is happening behind the veils… and soon crafts will land and apparently clean up the planet of all karma and dross so that you can then enjoy heaven on earth!!

There is an energy of manipulation at play…!!! And has been since the Atlantean Times…an energy that will replace your lens of discernment with fancy and beautiful rose tinted glasses and tell you that you are powerful, made of stardust and magic and that beautiful things are unfolding…just around the corner…have patience..

Yes. You are Powerful.

Yes. You are made of Stardust.

Yes. You have tremendous POTENTIAL!!


POTENTIAL untapped will remain unmanifest!! Having Potential and and actually manifesting that Potential  into reality…. are two very different things!!

Ever wondered why you, made of Stardust with potential of the sun, travelled through timelines past and future to be placed here on Earth. You are after all stardust, magic…why not enjoy the magical etheric experience only…why incarnate here on a planet of dense karma .

It is because you are magic, and because you have potential…that YOU answered a Clarion Call on Be on earth at this very Transformation time of great COSMIC importance.

Firstly,if there no humans on earth, the great cosmic assistance of solar flares, light portals, plasma Cascades would simply not ” anchor” on earth. WE are the lightning rods that “anchor” these codes for the planets Ascension.

OK!We are such powerful beings that we are here to do Earth a favour!! WRONG!! We aren’t doing no one no favours. We knew that floating around as stardust does NOT offer the huge potential for soul progression and soul evolution that human incarnation does!!! YES!! this vehicle of human form offers Alchemical Transformative opportunities that super fast track your own individual soul Ascension process. Win win situation for Earth and us,Both!!

So now that you have left your starry abodes, travelled through timelines and space and incarnated here …are you simply going to let energies of manipulation dull your senses, replace your discernment with rose tinted glasses and take pride in the greatness you represent when in reality your ego is being glorified to actually “”keep you from delving deep into your great POTENTIAL,doing the deep dirty work that needs to be done to actually Manifest IT!!??!!”

Read that again. The energies of manipulation are stroking your “ego” to convince you that you are already magnificent / powerful/ magic, peddling distractions and shortcuts, so  that you don’t ACTUALLY begin to dig into your true “potential”…coz these manipulative energies know that once you actually begin to dig in..you will translate your potential into MANIFEST ….and THAT is exactly what they want to PREVENT!!

SO put aside your rose tinted glasses, Focus the Lens of Discernment, roll up your sleeves and dive in…into your loneliness, into your despondency, into your feelings of lack , need and unbalance…and raise the light Quotient of your Emotional, Mental, Physical and Spiritual Bodies to the highest frequency that you can…every day, every minute, every thought, every word and every action. Make yourself WHOLE, COMPLETE AND BALANCED in all fields to step powerfully into your Soul Purpose ,into your Reason for Incarnation, into your Soul Evolution and Soul Progression!!

The higher frequencies of Heaven on Earth are ALREADY IN EXISTANCE. The more we raise our Light Frequency , the higher and greater chance we have of aligning with Golden Age of Gaia. The more and more of us who do this, greater  is the Quantum of Light…the more quickly this Frequency of Heaven on Earth will Anchor as the Fundamental Timeline and Reality replacing the 3D frequency presently presiding.

Remember two halves don’t make One Complete.  Only when  Two Whole/ Complete Units come together they create the potential for NEW to Manifest…that is why the Vescia Pisces is the source of ALL CREATION…sacred geometry, Sound, our universe, US!!!


You BE WHOLE and COMPLETE  in yourself..manifest your potential to the fullest and highest frequency of Light..then wether it’s your Soul Purpose/ Ascension  or Twin Flame or Both…they will automatically align with you.

We Are The Ones We Have Been Waiting For.
We Are Our Own Saviours

As Within, So Without

As Above, So Below

BeLight, InLight, InJoy




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