Pleiades Stargate – May 20/21

Pleiades Stargate – May 20/21

We are currently at the peak of the Pleiades- Sun Gateway May 20/21. The Pleiades announced the opening of their Stargate with a grand light and energy show this time around i.e. huge Solar storms and the ethereal display of the Northern Lights!!!

It is one of the primary Star systems that seeded Gaia with New Spirals of Light/ wisdom that built New Civilizations with many ancient energy sites aligned with the Pleiades.

The past eclipses and Jupiter Uranus conjunction brought in Phoenix/ Rebirth / Resurrection energies ie keys and codes for us to rebirth ourselves and then assist Gaia in her own rebirth.

The Pleiadian Wisdom Codes that we have been receiving via our Soul Star Chakra need to be anchored via our Earth Star chakra ( will be felt in the feet chakra) so as to reset the crystalline flower of life light grid of Gaia. This dual activation of the Soul Star and Earth Star chakra is key to activate the “energetic womb centers “ of Gaia and many will find themselves visiting these womb centers in the physical .

The Pleiadian Keys and Codes are not just Wisdom Codes ( Third eye +Throat+ Solar Plexus) for birthing the New Timelines, they are also Healing Codes to release Trauma density within us and for Gaia ( Heart chakra ). These are Light codes that allow humanity and Gaia to break out of the repeated patterns that keep us in Karmic loops of lower density to achieve new levels of higher consciousness. They are stirring up the dragon/ serpent/ kundalini ley lines within us and Gaia so that we may reset at a new frequency which allows us to access the Rose Wisdom of The Goddess/ Divine Feminine / Mary magdalene / Isis from a new higher perspective which further allows for the unfolding of a new frequency of Light held in the Legacy of the Rose Wisdom to unpack and birth. This then assists in rebirthing our inner Divine Masculine / Union codes that brings forth the Third Aspect of Divine Manifestation!!

For Pleiadian Energy is Manifestation Energy at the highest potential.!!

EnLight ,InGrace, InJoy

Be The Change You Want To See


Sa Kei Na

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